Orphans on the run — Kerra McConnell (Summer Naomi Smart) and her younger brother, Brock (Brian Kary) — embark upon an extraordinary time travel adventure between their modern world and ancient America. Aided by relatives that she hasn’t seen since she was five, Kerra learns of a secret passageway to a tropical world in 19 A.D. Intensified by an earthquake, this time vortex threatens to draw all modern characters into a massive battle between a tribe called the Nephites and ancient sorcerers known as the robbers of Gadianton. Their only hope may reside with an alert, intense young Nephite warrior named Kiddoni (Moronai Kanekoa), who understands what it takes to forestall certain destruction, and keep it from descending upon Kerra’s family, and their small western town of Leeds, Utah.
And the trailer . . . (just in case, here's the link to the trailer)
QOTC Thoughts on Passage to Zarahemla, the movie:
I haven't read this book. In fact, I haven't read any of Chris Heimerdinger's books. But now I'm going to have to because . . . this movie was INCREDIBLE!
The storyline was fantastic. I was very impressed with the quality of the acting. Everyone - from the good guys to the bad guys - were incredible in their roles. After you watch the movie, I highly recommend watching the Making Of Documentary. You learn a lot about the actors and actresses, Chris Heimerdinger, the film crew, and special effects. It's fascinating stuff. After watching the movie, I wasn't surprised to find out all the key players (Summer Naomi Smart as Kerra & Moronai Kanekoa as Kiddoni, as well as others) were well seasoned in the acting world.
The special effects were very cool. My kids kept oohing and aahing every time there was a portal to Zarahemla.
The bonus features were fascinating. As soon as I finished the movie, I watched the deleted scenes. The Family Home Evening scene is super funny - but totally cheesy. I'm glad they cut it out. I loved watching the documentary (as I said above). Some of the totally cool bonus features included with the DVD - there's an iPod version of the movie AND three original MP3 songs downloadable for your iPod!!! Is that not totally awesome or what? I'm so excited for my hubby to come home and download it all onto my iPod!
I loved the movie soundtrack. I very rarely purchase soundtracks, but this one is a must have! I love the beat and rhythm, the enchanting lyrics.
I'm not making any of this up people. It's seriously good stuff!
One of the really cool features on the DVD, is the option to watch a "less intense" version of the movie. If you have young children, I highly recommend using it. When I sat down to watch Passage to Zarahemla, I had my 8, 7, & 3 year olds with me. My thought was, "It's an LDS movie. How intense could it get?" Don't make the same mistake I did! There are two or three scenes with guns that I had to pause the movie and send the kiddos upstairs until the scene was over. It was just a little too intense and realistic for their young eyes. But I love knowing that the next time we sit down to watch it, there's a family friendly version we can all enjoy - no more pausing!
Passage to Zarahemla is not at all like the other low-budget LDS films on the market. You can tell that high-quality professionals put a lot of time and effort into the production of this movie. And it totally paid off. I will definitely be purchasing any future movies made by Heimerdinger Entertainment.
QOTC Rating: Five Shiny Stars!