I am grateful to live in a nation where my family can freely practice the religion of our choice - and also respect the religion of others as well.

I am grateful to live in a nation where I can teach my children the values of respect, honor, love, and work. I'm grateful my kids can play and pursue interests of their own choosing. I'm grateful that during times of trial and hardship, we can find hope. I'm grateful my family's life is filled with laughter, joy, and happiness.

I'm can't fully express how grateful I am to our nation's military; both of the past and present. The freedoms we enjoy today would not have been a reality without their dedication to our country. I'm also grateful for policemen and firemen everywhere. What comfort it is to know that when there's an emergency, there's someone to call upon who is ready and willing to jump in and help.

I'm grateful for a government that doesn't just stand back and say, "What a tragedy." But who immediately takes a stand, makes a statement, and doesn't back down. United We Stand.

I'm grateful for the foresight and wisdom of our forefathers, the founders of our nation. What an incredible country, government, and generations of people they have blessed us with.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to celebrate our nation's freedom. God Bless America!