I became acquainted with Tiny Prints through their sister company, Wedding Paper Divas. You can learn more about my history with WPD and my wedding contest on this post. When Wedding Paper Divas asked to partner up for a give-away on my wedding blog, we also thought it would be fun to host a contest over here for all my family readers!
Tiny Prints has the most unique stationary I've seen! And their quality is superb! Vibrant colors, excellent paper and texture. As I browsed their website, I found myself opening new windows to save my favorites. At the end, I had over thirty windows open!!! It was quite difficult to narrow them down to the ones I'm going to share here.
Let's start from the beginning.
First, most of us are women who love something pretty that represents us.
Next, we become prego. I'm not talking about the spaghetti sauce, ladies. I'm talking "It's baby time!" Check out these totally cute pregnancy thank you cards!
Then, the joyful bundle arrives . . .

. . . and of course, we get no sleep for several months (well, years actually - but who's counting). And before you know it, you're arranging play dates.

Oh yeah! Girl power!!!

My four year old loves this birthday card. I see a Space Themed party in the near future.
Life continues this cycle of babies, birthday parties, and play dates for the unforeseeable future. During that time, every family needs a little something fun . . .

I know I certainly dream about somewhere relaxing and calm during crazy family days. :) I love the way each family member's name is listed on the front of the card.

Tiny Prints' Contest!
One lucky winner will receive a Tiny Prints gift certificate for $50!
There are three ways to receive a contest entry (which means you could earn up to three entries!) All entries need to be received by 12 noon (CT) on Monday, May 11th. The winner will be announced later that afternoon. When you comment, be sure to leave your email address or blog link so I can contact you. The winner has until Wednesday, May 13th to send me their mailing address or another winner will be chosen. Good luck, everyone!
1. Leave a comment on this post and tell me which Tiny Prints card is your favorite.
2. Become a Queen of the Clan follower. (Please leave another comment letting me know you became a follower or if you are already a follower.)
3. Announce this contest on your blog, with a link back to this post. Be sure to leave another comment so I can stop by to check out your announcement!
Enjoy & good luck!