Everyone's all abuzz about Stephenie Meyer's newest release, Breaking Dawn. I only just read the first three books of the series a month ago. I spent one long weekend - Friday through Monday - and devoured all three books. Yes, I'm a fast reader, especially when I'm totally sucked into a plot.
So, here's the thing: While reading New Moon and Eclipse, I would get part way into the book, then turn to my hubby and say, "I totally think this, this, and this is going to happen." And sure enough, they did - almost exactly how I had predicted. A few weeks ago, my friend Renae and I spent a good hour or more speculating about what we thought was going to happen in Breaking Dawn.
On Saturday, August 2nd, I headed over to Borders to pick up my pre-ordered copy of Breaking Dawn.
And I am soo happy to say my predictions were totally wrong.
Stephenie Meyer totally threw in a twist that I had not even thought of. Except for Bella's hesitation to get married, everything else in the book was not what I had expected it to be. And boy am I happy! I hate it when authors get into a predictable rut. I set myself up to be disappointed, only to be wonderfully surprised.
Now, I am not going to go into details about what's in Breaking Dawn - cause I know there are so many of you who are either reading it, or waiting to get your hands on a copy. So I'm just going to say it was really, really, really good.
Note: For those of you wondering if there are any sex scenes - well, sorry to disappoint you, but there weren't. Although, there were sexy scenes and Bella & Edward do talk about their intimate life, Meyer did a great job keeping it clean (in my opinion).
How long did it take me to read it? Well, I started Saturday around 1 pm and read almost straight through until 11 pm. Then I picked it up again after church and finished around 5 pm, just in time to make dinner.
QOTC Rating: Five Stars