Two Tubes Down . . .
Last night was rough for Isaac. Every time he became even the slightest bit uncomfortable, he was given some more pain meds. He slept on and off. The most difficult parts for him were trying to go to the bathroom and waking up to an unfamiliar room.
The first time he got up and tried to go to the bathroom, he became really upset because he had a very, very full bladder. Of course, the more upset he became, the more he couldn't relax to accomplish his task. So hubby and I sang The Ants Go Marching to him. When we got to The ants to marching three by three - we changed the verse a bit to The littlest one stopped to take a pee. :) Isaac thought that was pretty darn funny. I'm glad he's been able to keep a bit of his sense of humor through this difficult time.
Each time Isaac woke up, he'd call for me. I'd sit beside him and he'd pull my face close to his, then run his fingers through my hair and his hand down my cheek. I could really tell he was still quite goofy from the anesthesia and pain meds, and he just wanted so mommy love and comfort.
During the night, he did a great job with drinking apple juice, water, and eating graham crackers and saltines. He kept everything down. His appetite is still pretty small. This morning he only ate about three or four bites of eggs and a few bites off of one triangle of toast. But he did drink all of his juice. Part of the reason he's having a hard time eating is because his throat is sore from the breathing tube that was placed down his throat during the surgery.
Isaac has been doing a great job this morning. He's doing better in the bathroom AND he has two less tubes hooked up to him! The nasal oxygen tube was removed and because he's been doing such a great job drinking juices and water, they hep-locked his IV. No more metal trees following us to the bathroom! Yeah!
Pappy (my Dad) arrived about breakfast time. He's flying back to Pennsylvania today. After breakfast, we "bribed" Isaac into getting out of bed by telling him about the cool Nintendo games down at the playroom. He did a great job walking down and back. Right now, he's resting in bed again - but has already asked when we get to go back to the playroom. This time, he wants to challenge Mommy to a game of Mario Kart Doubles. Racing games tend to make me nauseous, but I figure if Isaac can be such a brave boy, then I can buck up and play the dreaded racing game. :)
Isaac is still hooked up to a drainage tube (to drain fluid from his lungs). He still has lots of fluid that's draining, so that's really good. He has an oxygen and heart rate thing attached to his finger. The IV hep-lock in his hand. And round monitor things stuck to his chest to measure his breathing, heart rate, and lung capacity. (Don't you love my knowledge of medical terms?)
The surgeon said we will probably be here until Thursday, possibly Friday depending on how Isaac does Wednesday. But so far, his nurse has been very impressed with his progress this morning. He really is doing a great job. Right now, Isaac is watching Cartoon Network.
Thank you everyone for you prayers. I know I keep saying that, but your faith and love has been so uplifting to me - and a great blessing as Heavenly Father has blessed our little guy.
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- Amy said...
Oh I'm so glad to hear that Issac is doing so well.
Feb 10, 2009, 12:25:00 PM
- Teri said...
Believe me, when you start learning all of the medical lingo it means you've been there too long. Brayden wouldn't eat at the hospital at all (we figured it was major anxiety) and we had to convince them he would be fine at home before they let us go.
We're so glad Isaac's recovery is going well. -
Feb 10, 2009, 12:38:00 PM
Anonymous said...
You are a saint...I am so terrible at video they make me sick too.
I'm glad he's doing better. -
Feb 10, 2009, 1:06:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Bless your hearts - it does sound like the tube has made his throat sore - and the way you and your hubby sang the ants song - so precious. You are in my thoughts and prayers - you think mario cart makes you nauseous - try Monkey Ball - that just makes me ill - although it's still fun
;) -
Feb 10, 2009, 5:10:00 PM
- Josie said...
Oh I am SO happy he is doing well! We will still keep you in our prayers!
Feb 10, 2009, 9:36:00 PM
- Unknown said...
Glad to hear things are going well. We love you all !
Feb 10, 2009, 10:55:00 PM
- themeese2 said...
I wanted to fast on Sunday but decided not to due was a...uhhh...certain time? And I am usually taking ibuprofen and it's not good on an empty stomach. Well, I SHOULD have fasted, dangit, because I let my elderly neighbor serve me milk and cookies that afternoon, and I think his milk had been out on the counter. I wound up VIOLENTLY ill for about 6 hours, during which time, I still had Isaac on my mind and in my pain-confused prayers. I am so glad to know he is doing well. Give him my love, and I'm glad I'm feeling better myself! LOL!
Feb 10, 2009, 11:29:00 PM
- Cindy Beck, author said...
I'm so, so glad to hear the surgery went well and Isaac is handling things well. You're all still in our prayers, though!
Feb 11, 2009, 3:32:00 PM
- Tara Bennett said...
Stopping by via Mormon Mommy Blogs. God bless you. I hope his recovery is quick! Prayers and hugs for you....
Feb 11, 2009, 7:32:00 PM
- Hillary said...
I'm glad that Isaac is doing well. Let me know if you need anything.
Hill -
Feb 11, 2009, 9:01:00 PM
- Melanie said...
This is great news! I can't imagine the relief you are feeling.
Isaac is adorable. It is so sweet how he is with you.
Just an idea...we learned last year from my Mom's hospital stay, a numbing spray is available is available to help with the soar throat. We'll continue to pray for your family. -
Feb 11, 2009, 11:46:00 PM
- Danyelle Ferguson said...
Thank you everyone. You have been so awesome. Much love to you all.
Feb 14, 2009, 5:19:00 PM