There were a few things that happened with my kids where I could have totally lost it, but instead just laughed and laughed. What a difference a sense of humor made during some very stressful moments.

This past week, I've also been reading Stacy Gooch Anderson's newest release, "Life is Tough, I Doubt I'll Make It Out Alive." I pulled it out in anticipation of reviewing it today as part of Stacy's blog tour. When I first pulled it out, I was kind of dragging - just one more thing from my to-do list. But my attitude changed very quickly.
Right from the first chapter, I connected with Stacy talking about her childhood and family. Then she goes on to talk about dating, marriage, and motherhood. There were so many times when I could totally picture the situation she was re-telling, and her reactions. My very favorite so far (I've not completely finished the book), is when she and her hubby take their baby out on a date night with them. While waiting for their food, they hear this great big toot (not from a train, but from someone's pants). At first, Stacy's hubby thinks it was her, but they very quickly realize it's the baby as he fills his pants . . . and keeps on filling, and filling, and filling until it overflows out of his clothes and all over Mama. Oh my heck . I was laughing so hard! All of my kids have done this exact same thing - each on their blessing day!!! It seems like they've each been wonderful and calm during the blessing, then they get passed back to me and within thirty minutes -EXPLOSION!!!
The thing I love about Stacy's book, is how she uses her own life examples to show us how to take difficult situations and how to lighten the load on our shoulders with laughter. This past week was certainly a time I needed a reminder to find a little bit of humor each day. I totally recommend Stacy's book to all women, no matter what stage they are in - single, married, mother, or grandmother. This is a book that will bring some wonderful delight into your day and while imparting a bit of wisdom as well.
Contest: Win an autographed copy of Life is Tough - I Doubt I'll Make It Out Alive by Stacy Gooch Anderson
Leave a comment on this post with a personal short humorous story (yes, it must be about you!). All comments/short stories must be recieved by noon on May 1st. The winner will be drawn that afternoon and announced later that day.
Good luck, everyone!