An ideal gift to share with mothers, sisters, and friends, this refreshing and engaging book offers new insights into the temporal and spiritual lives of our ancient sisters.
My Review:
I found Women of the Book of Mormon absolutely fascinating. I get to learn so much about the prophets and other men in the scriptures, but often I'm left wondering what it was like for the women who lived during that time. Did they try to persuade their husbands to make better choices? Did they even get a choice in how to live or what to believe? Were there women who weren't happy with their husband's choice to follow a prophet who they didn't believe? What kinds of challenges did they face that I could learn from or relate to today? There are so many questions that are often left unanswered. Women of the Book of Mormon answered many of my questions and helped to paint a portrait in my mind of the lives of some incredible women, such as Sariah, Abish, and the mothers of the Stripling Warriors. There are also appearances from women from the Bible who are mentioned in the Book of Mormon, like Eve and Mary. I realize this list is repetitive from the cover blurb, but learning about these women left quite an impression on me. It's inspiring to learn about them and realize each of them is my sister in the gospel as well.
This is an excellent book for any lady in your life from Young Women's age and older. Wives would love this for Mother's Day! Depending on the reading level of younger daughters who are in Primary, some 8-12 year olds may really enjoy the book as well. My nine-year-old daughter looked through it when it arrived in the mail and immediately asked to read it when I was finished. My younger kids all loved the gorgeous art.
Women of the Book of Mormon can be purchased at Deseret Book.
You can find out more about Heather B. Moore on her website.