Happy shopping!
thanks for the heads up--I guess that's the verification that it's that time of year again, huh?
Oh yeah. Time to stand in lines that never seem to move, bumper to bumper traffic on your way anywhere, and late nights wrapping and hiding presents from sneaky children. :)
You make it sound so festive. ;)
I do have to admit, though, that I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet this year and time's running out if I don't want to be consigned to the fate you just described!
Thanks for the heads-up on the sale, too. I've been thinking lately that it would be a good idea to keep a little stock of gifts for that all-too common late-for-a-birthday-party-but-haven't-got-a-present-yet situation. That would be a great way to use a coupon like this, too.
Jennifer - What a great idea! I love it!
I try to avoid shopping during the holiday season. I prefer to order all my stuff online. Although, some sales don't work on the store's website. If it's a really, really, really good sale, I'll brave the crowds. :)