#StrongWomen: Perseverance

per-se-ver-ance, noun, steadfastness in doing something despite difficulties, failures or opposition.

We don’t get to pick our challenges.

They are dropped into our lives without warning or permission. I found the only control I had was the ability to choose my reactions. Over the years, I’ve been frozen by fear, overwhelmed by work, cried out in prayer, and would have loved a “Get Out of Your Challenge Free” card.

I’m grateful that I’ve always felt driven to move forward, search for resources, connect with others, and count my blessings. Some days I failed and had to pick myself up and try something else. Some days I succeeded and paused to celebrate, then set bigger goals. It’s vital to persevere and just keep trying to make life better and happier, no matter what hand you are dealt.

Your Turn

What helps you push through your challenges? Share your thoughts or experiences in the comments section.

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