A Blurry May . . . A Better June
May 30th was my first clear-headed day. I had a great day, felt awesome. I still took it easy but I felt better than I had felt for the past four weeks. Then I spent two days sleeping to recover from that one great day. Sigh. That seems to be the trend now. I'm finally only coughing a few times a day. I'll have one really great day . . . followed by a day or two of sheer exhaustion where I sleep for almost 24 hours.
I know my body is still recovering, but I honestly want things to be better so I can get back to life, my family, my responsibilities, and my writing. But my hubby keeps telling me to sleep, rest, take it easy. I know he's right. I'm just so impatient!
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me. I sincerely appreciate your faith. And yes, while I'm impatient, I am extremely grateful to have progressed to this point.
What's coming up? More reading and book reviews. That seems to be the only thing my brain can accurately focus on. Hopefully next week, I'll have enough energy to focus on my writing. I have a project way overdue. Thank goodness my co-author has been very patient. Thanks, Shannon!
How has life been for you?
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- Susan said...
I've been thinking about you, ever since I saw your post on the storymakers message board. So glad you're starting to feel better.
Jun 4, 2012, 12:38:00 PM
- Lisa Swinton said...
just keep swimming, just keep swimming . . . Dori says and so do I.
Jun 4, 2012, 12:53:00 PM
- Tamera Westhoff said...
I am so glad that at least one day in three is good for you! Keep getting better, so I can visit! I miss my friend!
Jun 4, 2012, 1:11:00 PM
- Danyelle Ferguson said...
I'm so excited you moved back to Olathe. John was telling me about Celia being in Nursery (I can't believe she's that old now!) and I told him I can't wait to get better so I can spend some time with you. Hopefully in another week I'll be back to a better schedule and we can have a play date here with the sprinklers, popscicles and the munchkins. -
Jun 4, 2012, 1:56:00 PM
- Donna said...
I am happy to read that you are feeling better. I usually get pneumonia about once a year or so, and I know it is not fun. The fact that you worked so hard to organize the Midwest Conference is amazing! I hope you continue to feel better and that your June is awesome!
Jun 5, 2012, 11:13:00 PM