(dis)Abilities and the Gospel Blog Tour Kick Off!

Thursday was the kick off for my blog tour. And what an incredible and heart-felt review it was! Christine Bryant said, 

"When I first heard about (dis)Abilities and the Gospel, I was overjoyed. FINALLY, someone GOT IT! Finally, someone took the time to put the needs of these children (and adults) down on paper in a way that anyone can understand and learn. Then I got my hands on the book and read it. There are NO WORDS to describe how thrilled I was to find, not only helpful suggestions on how to better handle teaching the gospel to my son, but to also have information at my fingertips that helped me understand how he "ticks" and why he does the things he does." 

You can read Christine's full review on her blog. While you're there, be sure to enter for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card & free 20 minute consultation with me. You can ask about parenting, church survival, adapting lessons - or even about writing and publishing.

Also, don't forget about the Bumpy Landings giveaway which ends Saturday night; and the Summer Treasure Hunt where a winner will be drawn each day. One of the prizes is a copy of (dis)Abilities and the Gospel.
Have a fabulous weekend my friends!

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Brenda Sills said...

It's so great to meet you! I am so impressed that you wrote this book! You sound like such a wonderful person! I enjoyed reading about you - I love dancing and singing in the kitchen too! One of my favorite things to do!!!