Maddy, Personal Progress, and Autism
Okay, my friends. Get the tissue box out. This video truly touched my heart because it hits so close to home. Autism. I've wondered so many times how far my son will be able to progress and understand the priesthood or if he'll one day earn his Eagle in Boy Scouts. There are so many different concerns that we parents have tumbling around in our heads that it's hard to keep them straight - or even prioritized sometimes.
It's so beautiful and touching to see a group of young women who reached out and did something truly remarkable for Maddy, a young woman with autism who did not have the ability to do her Young Women's personal progress on her own. I am so grateful for youth who are willing to reach out to their peers with special needs and just love them for who they are. What a blessing they are to our world.
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- Kendra Mitts said...
that was a very touching video. thanks for putting it on your blog.
Jan 10, 2011, 12:00:00 PM
- Randall said...
Thanks Danyelle for sharing. What a blessing to know there are still wonderful people in the world who will serve without worrying about "what's in it for me!" This really touched my heart.
Jan 10, 2011, 7:16:00 PM
- Janice said...
Lovely video!
Jan 10, 2011, 7:22:00 PM
- Canda said...
What a sweet project for Maddy and for each of the girls who gave her part of themselves.
Jan 10, 2011, 8:42:00 PM
- kbrebes said...
Jan 11, 2011, 9:13:00 AM
- Joan Sowards said...
What a great example of Christian love. Those girls are better for act of service.
Jan 12, 2011, 10:28:00 AM
- Don said...
This was great! Tonight is New Beginnings, and I'll be there with my two girls--one the Beehive president, and the other very similar to Maddy. We've wondered what Young Women will hold for our youngest as she moves into the organization. Fortunately, she also has a lot of wonderful girls around her.
Jan 26, 2011, 1:33:00 PM