While I really dislike speed bumps, they do bring the important things back into focus. I've re-learned something very important - my family is the most important thing in my life. Sometimes everything else in life has to be put on hold so I can just concentrate on them. I also renewed my testimony of just how comforting reading the scriptures with my children can be. Sometimes when life gets hard, I am tempted to put the scriptures aside and just work my way through my problems. I'm grateful my kids were so insistent that we continue with our routine of reading the scriptures together before school - even if they did have to drag Mom out of bed. =)
It seems that as of this moment, life is back on track - or at least as on track as it can be. But even though we're functioning smoothly again, I know I'll eventually hit more speed bumps. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that it will be a while before they spring up. =)