My older kids had no school on Friday. The teachers had an in-service day to get ready for this week's upcoming Parent-Teacher conferences (which I still need to find a babysitter for!). My preschooler still had preschool & my youngest daughter had Kindermusik class, so Daddy worked from home while I spent the morning taking the younger kids here and there. Of course, we didn't have any complaints from the older kids. They had control of the TV, which meant no Dora the Explorer for once. Friday was a very relaxing day. We watched TV, played board games, & I was in a total romance/comedy mood, so I re-read Delicious Conversation by Jennifer Stewart Griffith.
Saturday, we all got up super, super early. Isaac & John were up at 5:30 AM! I dragged my tush out of bed around 6:15 AM, then started getting all the other kiddos up, too. I know you're asking if I went a bit nutty, as I'm always saying "Let sleeping kids sleep!!!" Well, it was for a good cause. Saturday morning was the Jared Coones Memorial 5K Run/Walk. Jared Coones was a student at Black Bob elementary who died of leukemia ten years ago. After his passing, his mother discovered she had breast cancer, and followed him to Heaven a few years later. The run/walk is named after Jared, but is also in memory of his mother, Jayne. This year, over 3000 people participated.
John and Isaac are part of the Black Bob Elementary Running Club. They have been training for about six weeks now. They actually ran in the race. The other kids & I joined up with Jill and her son, Brogan, to walk the 5K. Here are some fun pics from the race . . .
The final stats of the race for John & Isaac were:
Isaac's Time: 34 minutes 56.3 seconds.
John's Time: 34 minutes 44.6 seconds.
Males Overall: 949 registered participants. Isaac came in at #479.
Males ages 8-10: 224 participated. Isaac came in at #77 for his age bracket.
Males ages 30-34: 65 participated. John came in at #39 for his age bracket.
Overall 2158 Registered Runners Participated. Isaac came in at #780 & John came in at #768. Both in the top 36% of runners. Yeah!
After all that running and walking, John and I were one tired set of parents. Not the kids though. After thirty minutes after the race, they got an energy boost. They bounced on the huge bouncers, then went home and rode bikes for about an hour. Me? I sat on my front porch and read Icing on the Cake by Elodia Strain (another great comedy/romance).
Later that afternoon, we all painted our pumpkins. Well, except for Rob, who was taking a desperately needed nap! We aren't finished yet, but here's a preview . . .

Sunday was a relaxing day as well. John scheduled to have off work on Monday. We spent the day working on my desk in the kitchen. We aren't finished, but we've made some good progress. The cabinet for the computer tower is finally painted and ready to be installed. We finished the box that will go on top of the cabinet, and it's ready to be installed. Yeah! We also went to Home Depot and picked up the rest of the supplies to start building the desk. I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that this project will all be completed by Thanksgiving. Cross your fingers, everyone!